Benchvent.com is offering a free benchvent to the winner of model workspace contest. I don't know if there are rules other than posting a pic of your space and sending them the link.
Here's my mobile workspace:
Here's their link:
If you have a blog, post a picture on there and send a link to scott@benchvent.com
Are you a Wargamer?
To genuinely call yourself a Wargamer, then you must have done most or all of the following:
(Questions were copied
from Neil's Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles)
Spent at least £500 ($800.00 in American dollars) on figures / tanks - and you
get extra kudos for every £500 ($800.00 in American dollars) you've spent
Jiminy Christmas, over 30 years I don't want the wife to know how much I've spent. I have somewhere between 10 and 20,000 28mm minis. I guess about $8000 or £5000.00 (10 points)
Pricked your finger or thumb on a pike block - several times
Yes. (1
Tried at least 10 different rule sets and vowed never to play half of them ever
No, I've probably only bought 10 and I love them all
(0 points)
Bought an army off EBay
(0 points)
Sold an army on eBay
Sold about 15 armies on eBay (1 point)
Spent months painting an army - then used it in anger once
..or never!
Yes, I have a 2.5K WAB Hungarians that sit unbloodied
(1 point)
Tried several different periods and genres
Yes (1
Dropped a box of figures on the floor from a great height
and then I've stepped on them (1 point)
Lost a battle on the last throw of the dice
Never, I lose big or go home. (0 point)
Made at least one enemy for life
No (0 point)
Had a proper, stand up argument over a wargamers table
No (0 point)
Thrown a dice across a room
We play with toy army men, no reason to get angry (0 points)
Rebased an army for a different rule set
No (0 points)
Inflicted a whopping defeat on an opponent
Yes, stupidest game ever: my cheesy WAB Hussites, annihilated the WABcorner's painting machine author's out of period Samuri army. I lost at least 2 or 3 models. (1
Suffered an embarrassing defeat due to a stupid tactical decision
yesterday playing Saga for the first time, but it was more like a series of stupid tactical decisions.
Joined a wargamers club
yes (1 point)
Bought a ton of lead that remains unpainted
Silly question, but at least I still line them up in formation on dusty shelves. The lead provides me a gamma radiation shield (1 point)
Been to a wargamers show
Yes (1 point)
Have more dice than is logical or necessary to own - and have used most of
Yes, I don't even know what some of them are for. (1
Have taken boxes of troops down to a club just to show them off to your
no (0 points)
You have reference books on each period / army you play
No (0
* Having played so many different games you
confidently quote rules for a totally different period, scale or rule set to the
one you're playing at that moment
No (0
* You have lied to your spouse about how much
you've spent on the hobby
not bringing it up isn't technically lieing, and she probably loves me enough to not ask.
(0 points)
* You get genuinely excited when a package
arrives in the post
Yes (1 point)
* You have joined a re-enactment society (5
points for this one!)
No, but 20 something years ago I did go to a get together of boffers. I will never do so again. (0 points)
You have played in an unsuitable venue
No. (0
* You continue to search for the perfect
Napoleonic / WW2 / Ancients / ACW etc. rule set (knowing that it doesn't
actually exist).
I don't care about perfect (0
* For that reason you have developed your own
house rules for certain periods. And think them far superior to the original
author's efforts.
My rules are scribbled in notebooks that will be tossed when I die (0 point)
* You have returned from a wargames show and
sneaked upstairs to hide the stash.
No, when you have a room full of minis your wife can't tell new from old. Simply don't let her catch you packing for the show and she won't notice if you've brought new minis in. (0
* You have an irrational aversion to some genres
and vow never to play them regardless of how much fun they look.
warmachine, grind, dba checkerboard gaming (1
* You have made your own wargames
Yes. (1
* You have reached a painting 'wall'
No, I think not, if it's like writers block (0 points)
* You have lost - and regained - your wargaming
you can't lose what you don't own (0
You have the occasional (and short lived) sense of guilt with your wife/children
when complaining to them about the money spent in clothes, shoes or toys/Xbox
games when you have £200 of unpainted metal stuffed in an upstairs
No. (0 point)
* You have done armies in different scales for
the same period
no (0
* You have jealously coveted someone else's
every game, if I live through the zombie apocalypse I will horde the neighborhood minis (1 point)
* You have laughed (secretly or otherwise) as
someone else's paint job
Yes, but I've also laughed at mine, in my own face in a cruel mean hearted hurtful fashion (1
* You have provided a piece of useless trivia
relating to the troops on the table to show off your war gaming
no, trivia is not useless, use it to distract your opponent (0 point)
You have contradicted someone elses' trivia - demonstrating your superior
knowledge and giving you a warm glow inside.
no, I should get negative points here. (0
* You have caused a major disaster on a wargames
table (spilling a pint, collapsing the table, dropped someone else's figures on
the floor).
yes (1 point)
* You have cheered when an opponent's dice lets
them down at a critical point (I have literally danced in front of someone when
he failed a morale roll)
I do a gorilla dance, clap and laugh for both sides (1 point)
* You have lied to your partner about going
gaming. "Mothers' not very well - just popping around to see her. I'll be back
in about - oh - seven hours".
No (0
* You have lied to an attractive woman (man)
about your hobby.
No (0 points)
* You have made an opponent cry. It doesn't
count if they are under 8 years old though.
No (0
* You have painted the same army in the same
scale more than once (Monty, you dawg!)
They are not multiple armies, I simply make the original army larger (0 points)
* You have reference books on armies you haven't
even got.
yes, but intend to buy more minis that I'll never paint (1
* You have bought figures for a period you have
never and will never play - because they were cheap.
Duh, cheap minis can't be resisted (1
* You have inflicted grievous bodily harm on a
die that has let you down.
No, they all look the same
(0 points)
* You blog or have a web-page about your
Wargaming activities
and I also have the best 83 followers on the blogosphere (1
* Your book collection is almost all war and war
games related
Yes. (1 point)
* You critique 'war' movies (especially
Hollywood war movies) for historical accuracy.
Yes, Hurtlocker was based on my less exciting adventures
(1 point)
* You spend car/train journeys checking out the
lie of the land - considering which way you would attack from and whether it
would make good wa rgaming terrain.
No, but I do rate every building I enter on its zombie apocalypse survival rating (0
33points. I don't know if that's good or bad. How many points do you get?