Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Old Citadels, LOTR Minis, Zombie Survivors, and a Couple Dragoons


I've recently finished painting a few random models that had sitting at the back of the painting cue for ages.

These are three old Citadel Clerics.  I don't believe Warhammer Fantasy uses clerics anymore, but one could probably mix them in with a Flagellant unit.

Look how big our hands are!

Here's three random LOTR models.  I painted the human armor three times, but couldn't make it look like the movie.  At least they're painted, I'll probably never use them for anything.

Here's two humans that I'm calling survivors for zombie gaming.  The one on the left is a mechanic from Prince August's sci-fi line.  The picture came out bad; that dog turd in the middle of his face is a cigar and a poorly painted/badly sculpted mustache.

The mad scientist looking fellow is probably from Grenadier's Call of Cthulhu line.  Or maybe RAFM, I can't remember and I'm not ripping him off the base to check.

It's Ronald McDonald's angry older brother.
I painted up four more dismounted Perry plastic French Dragoons.

Now there is finally enough for a small Black Powder or Sharpes Practice unit.
Where the F did our horses go?



  1. You've been a busy fellow, James. Nice work. Warm regards, Dean

  2. nice work. Like the dragoons a lot.

    Could use those clerics as warrior priests in current times so not obsolete just renamed.

  3. What a wonderfully diverse set of miniatures and beautifully painted. I just love that mad scientist.

  4. Those clerics would be great for some D&D, too. I almost had a coffee spew @ "Ronald McDonald's Angry Older Brother" LOL, great caption and nicely painted.
