Sunday, October 4, 2015

Perrry Burgundians, Reaper Tool Bots, Riot Police, 40K Servitors, Oldhammer Spearmen, Brettonian Crewman, and a few Plants.


I have managed finish another 30 minis and really hope to break the 500 mark this year.  First are some plastic Perry Mercenaries crossbow men. 

Here are five Heroclix police officers.  I liked the original sweat shop painter's color scheme and tried hard to match the original colors. 

Here's some long out of production metal Citadel fantasy minis.  The Empire spearmen have Fireforge shields.  I'm pretty sure the shirtless guy was a Brettonian crew man.

Here are six of the stupidest models I've ever painted.   GW's undead servitors cyborg slaves are extremely cartoony models. 
 I don't know how they have the strength in their putrid bodies to raise those giant robot lobster claws.
 Regardless of my disdain, I've managed to collect 17 of the ugly things.  I think they can fix tanks in 40K games or deliver a rather nasty pinch.
 Here's five of Reaper's diminutive "tool bots".  They took about ten minutes to paint.

 Lastly, a small gathering of useless terrain.   Maybe it could be used for that new game Frostgrave.  The plant things are little bits of terrarium plants, that my cat Cthulhu stole from our tarantula cave.

Till next time, when I'll have some Rohan riders that forgot to make it to today's scheduled photo shoot.  There'll be more Brettonians, maybe Sarmation cavalry, a tank?, and a Napoleonic French guest appearance.

Love and Kisses,


  1. Blimey! That's quite a collection! Love the Riot Police. They look like they've having some fun!

  2. That's quite a list. Well done!

  3. Another eclectic mix, nice.

  4. Another eclectic mix, nice.

  5. Another dizzying array of finely painted figures, James.

  6. 500 for the year? That's more minis than I own!

    Bloody great effort!

  7. Well done...why not try for 600?

  8. So much to enjoy here, the crossbowmen, the tool bots - all wonderful.

  9. So many splendid figures! Love the crossbowmen...

  10. Nice work. very well-received servitors, they are just in the style of old games

  11. Lots of lovely painted figs!

  12. How you can produce such an ecletic mix of figures always amazes me, but the shirtless Brettonnian tops the lot in my book..

  13. Very productive. Great painting all of them. You even took the time to paint that well done P on the riot shields. No they have P on them. :)

  14. I really like the Perry crossbow men, very nice but then again it all looks nicely painted and presented!

  15. I'm on a Burgundian kick as well. Love the 'Bots.
